Bacteriological criteria of chicken giblets

Faten, S. Hassanin.a; Mohamed, A. Hassan.a; Fahim, A.Shaltouta, Nahla A. Shawqyb and Ghada, A. Abd-Elhameed.b


A total of 50 random samples of liver and gizzard from freshly slaughtered chicken carcasses (slaughtered, plucked and eviscerated) (25 of each) were collected from local commercial retail shops in Menofia government. It is evident from the results that the mean value of aerobic plate count (APC) (cuf/g) of examined samples of chicken giblets was 4.86×104±0.92×104 in liver and 7.73×104±1.68×105 in gizzard and the incidence of E.coli in the examined chicken liver and gizzard were 20% and 28% , respectively. Also, the serologically identified E.coli isolates in the examined samples were O26 : H11 (4%) , O55: H7 (4%), O91: H21 (4% )and O128: H2(8%) in liver and O26 : H11 (8%) , O78(4%), O111: H2 (4% ), O119: H6(4%), O124(4% )and O126: H21(4%) in gizzard. Salmonella was isolated from 24% and 36% of liver and gizzard and incidence of the isolated serotypes were S.Entritidis (4% and 12%), S.Infantis (4% and 4%), S.Kentucky (4% and 4%), S.Typhimurium (8% and 8%), S.Labadi 4% & S.Virchow 4% in gizzard and S.Larochelle 4% in liver only.

Key words

Liver, Gizzard, APC, E. coli, Salmonella.

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