Survey on Some Hormonal Residues in Chicken Meat, Liver and Kidneys

Hemmat M. Ibrahim1 , Reham A. Amin 1 Omaima M. Diab 2 and Asmaa E. Hassan 2


The study was planned to estimate the 17β-Estradiol and Zeranol residues in 100 samples of chicken carcasses and their livers and kidneys. Samples were randomly collected from different localities in Cairo and Giza markets and were analyzed using Enzyme-linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) method. The mean values (ppb) of 17β-Estradiol in chicken muscle, livers and kidneys were 0.782±0.07, 1.53±0.09 and 2.077±0.08, respectively. While, the mean values (ppb) of Zeranol in chicken muscle, livers and kidneys were 0.1065±0.01, 0.1235±0.01 and 0.262±0.02, respectively. Accordingly, it seems that the use of these hormones in chicken farms constitute a public health hazard, so we need to routinely monitor these chemical residues as food quality control measure.

Key words

17β-Estradiol, Zeranol, anabolic hormones

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